Untitled 1

Time Conflict Acknowledgement

Registering for courses that overlap in time is not encouraged. However, in very limited circumstances, and with the approval from both instructors, special permission is granted. Students should complete this form in order to request permission to register for a course that overlaps for any amount of time. Additionally, this form can only be completed to enroll in an open course, students cannot be waitlisted for conflicting courses.

Graduate students in the School of Engineering are not permitted to enroll in courses with a time conflict. Please reach out to Dean Karen Panetta with any questions.
Course ONE Information
Enter the course details for the course you will register for or for which you are currently registered.

If there is no instructor listed, enter the deparment/program chair.

Can't find an email address? Search for it in the Tufts Directory, at https://directory.tufts.edu/
Course TWO Information
Enter the course details for the course for which you are not registered and need permission to register
Note: as a part of the acknowledgement process you will be enrolled, pending open enrollment, in the course once both instructors acknowledge the time conflict and overlap. 

If there is no instructor listed, enter the deparment/program chair.

Can't find an email address? Search for it in the Tufts Directory, at https://directory.tufts.edu/

Advising Dean

Dean Leathers: Arts & Sciences last names A to D
Dean Bellof: Arts & Sciences last names E to K
Dean Chen: Arts & Sciences last names L to Q
Dean Casey: Arts & Sciences last names R to Z and all R.E.A.L. students A to Z
Dean Gadd: All BFA, Diploma, SMFA Post Bac and Combined SMFA students A to Z
Dean Stephan: All undergraduate Engineering students A to Z
Dean Lowe: All students in the combined NEC programs
Graduate Students should choose the GradServe@tufts.edu option
Once you submit this form it will be sent to the intructor of course one to acknowledge the overlap, then to the instructor of course two to acknowledge the overlap, and then to Student Services for processing, this workflow may take up to one week.
By submitting this from, I understand that I will be enrolled in the course by Student Services within 2-3 business days, but it may take up to a week during peak times, if both instructors acknowledge the conflicting enrollments. I also understand that this form can only be completed to enroll in an open course, students cannot be waitlisted for conflicting courses, additional permission is needed from the instructor to enroll in a closed or waitlisted course.